January 18, 2007
India Mamallapuram
The journey started on a foggy morning in January. It was my first trip to...
... India :-)
At first we went to Mamallapuram, a small town at the Indian Ocean. What we didn't expect was that the Indian harvest commemoration "Pongal" made thousands of people from Chennai to travel here.
Beachlife in India is different, right? ;-) But Mamallapuram is also famous for its seashore-temple.
Its not in use for religious reasons, but yes a testimonial for the art of the masons who made it. Nowadays the demand is still continuing, but more on figures of holy animals...
from stone to wood ;-). These are the rests of the old fisherman boats. I think they're broken because of the Tsunami. Now they got some new ones from helpful organisations around the world.
The old ones still serve as backrest for relaxing...
At night we had the pleasure to enjoy the traditional dance festival, which took place here in front of an enormous rock, covered with a relief telling stories of Hindu-mythology.
One day we rented bicycles to visit some places near the town, but for longer distances we preferred the original Indian Taxi called Ambassador - beautiful car, isn't it?
axel at January 18, 2007 01:19 PM